Local Plan to 2036 – Examination in Public Hearing Postponed

Stage 1 of the EiP has been postponed – it was due to commence on 17 March – due to Coronavirus.

Stage 1 considers legal, procedural and strategic issues including the spatial strategy, distribution of growth, housing and employment needs and the principle of changes to green belt boundaries – it will not cover individual site allocations.

In Stage 1, the Inspectors were to deal with Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils, however those councils will be abolished on 31 March. Stage 2 will not begin before May, after formation of the new, unitary, Buckinghamshire Council.

The examination of the Plan will then continue with the new unitary council. Stage 2 of the EiP will deal with outstanding matters, including the site allocations, probably in May and June – as soon as dates are know they will be published on this website…